Commercial Locksmith

Locksmith Services in Philadelphia and Surrounding Areas

Commercial Locksmiths in Philadelphia to Rely on

Whether you are starting up or expanding your business operations, we are here to provide you with expert and efficient Locksmith services. Turn to Lockman in Philadelphia and surrounding areas for commercial locks and door hardware installation and repair. Our commercial locksmith team will help you install and replace: Locks, Push Bars, Door Closers, Hinges, Lock Latch Guards, Electric strikes, and Access Control components. 


Push Bar Solutions

Door Hardware

Access control

Locksmith Services

What Sets Us Apart?

Hassle-Free Locksmith Workflow: Where Speed Meets Transparency

We offer a comprehensive onsite evaluation and assessment service to identify and address commercial lock or door hardware-related issues.

Onsite Evaluation

Our approach includes detailed inspections video and picture reporting, ensuring understanding of the problem

Project Collaboration

We collaborate with your team, offering professional insights for transparent budgeting and informed decisions

Professional Installation

Same-day professional installation for the majority of lock applications and commercial door hardware solutions

24/7 emergency locksmith

Mobile locksmith team is just a call away, ready to provide swift and reliable locksmith solutions

Locksmith Services Aligned with Business Requirements

We offer professional commercial locksmith services to businesses of all sizes, including small local shops, corporate offices, and property/building management companies. Our commercial locksmith team has years of experience and understanding of special requirements specific to your business. We seamlessly join your property maintenance team for project collaboration, providing our expertise and problem-solving solutions

check solution for your business


The locksmith prices listed include labor and hardware costs. Please note that we can only give an approximate estimate of the cost of the task, based on the explanation you give to us over the phone.